Tuesday 22 October 2019

The Indian Diaspora : A Poem.

To lands far away our ancestors traveled
To strange lands all our fore-parents traveled, so far
To distant shores, so far away from our motherland
Oh! Mother Bharat, farewell
Never will I see you again
Our sons and daughters will be born on distant shores
But in our hearts and minds we are of one blood
Our Bharat was once mighty and rich
Not a beggar was to be seen on a street
Till the Europeans came, only then was it was laid low
Even the Arab and the Turkmen could not so
Our hearts should beat as one
For we are all really one
Oh! Mother Bharat, you are in our hearts and souls
You are the spiritual home where all our souls reside 
Though not on your sacred soil we reside
When we see ourselves in the mirror
Our hearts flutter because we are of Bharat 
Across great oceans and lands we have spread 
But in our hearts and minds ,we will never forget
Till our dying day we will remain 
An Indian till our final breath

Saturday 12 October 2019

The Wise Serpent: A Poem.

You are a wanderer in the desert
The desert of loneliness
The magical spirits watch you
They watch in silence and thought
Not a word, not even a whisper.
You are a wanderer in the desert
The desert of loneliness
The wise serpent knows his way in the desert
But you do not, so you wander
Not a drop of love to quench your mighty pang of thirst
You thirst from the emptiness of life
The wise serpent knows where the fountain of the water of love is
So, he makes his way in happy knowledge
But you slither in abject sorrow and ignorance
So, he makes his way in knowledge
But you slither aimless in ignorance
You do not, you thirst
There is nothing you have to fill the chasm that is the void in your heart
The wise serpent cares not for this
But you care, you desperately want to, but you do get to escape, so you despair
Lonely wanderer, endless desert

The Apocalyse

  It has now come to this The Apocalypse has arrived Loneliness, despair, a toxic brew A devilish concoction  It has poisoned my mind Hopele...