Sunday 30 June 2019

Idioms relating to drinking and getting drunk.

Idioms relating to drinking and getting drunk.

The following are idioms about drinking alcohol and getting drunk.

A. Drown (your/his, etc) sorrows:
1. Marshall drowned his sorrows at the pub after his wife. Bridget, left him for hos best friend, Richard Vijay.
2. Drowning our sorrows in alcohol is not a good way to resolve our problems.
3. After Fred sold all his possessions following bankruptcy proceedings, he went and drowned his sorrows at a bar.

B. Well-oiled: It means to have drunk a lot of alcohol.
1. A well-oiled Velu went to confront his boss and after shouting at him as a consequence Velu got the sack.
2. Alexandra got well-oiled at the bar before she drove home.
3. James got well-oiled at the pub before he went to confront Desmond for insulting him.

C. Three sheets to the wind: It means that someone is drunk.
1. Dennis Lim was three sheets to the wind just after a few glasses of beer.
2. The Polish and the Irish talk sense when they are three sheets to the wind. 
3. The women at the hen party were all three sheets to the wind after a night long drinking binge.

D. Wet (or Whet)  (your/his/her etc) whistle: It means that when you are thirst and you drink, you wet your whistle.
1. Politicians often wet (whet) their whistle before making speeches.
2. Dennis Lim whet his whistle before going home to his angry wife.
3. Marshall and Xavier always wet their whistle together at the bar on Saturday nights.

E. Champagne taste on a beer budget: It means It means that someone who is living beyond (or above) their means and like things they cannot afford.

1. Patrick Jayathilake has a champagne taste on a beer budget. He spends recklessly on things he can barely afford.
2. Marshalls's champagne taste on a beer budget is going to ruin him financially.
3. Dennis Lim has a champagne taste on a beer budget. He bought a top of the line Mercedes Benz when he can really only afford a Toyota.

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