Sunday 7 July 2019

Active & Passive Sentences.


When we make a sentence we have a subject, a verb and an object. The subject is the person or thing that does the verb. Example:

Marshall kicks the ball.

Who kicks the ball? It is Marshall who kicks the ball, Marshall the subject of the sentence. The verb is the action he does, which is ” kick”s. What does he kick? He kicks the ball. The ball is the object. The verb and the object of a sentence are called the Predicate.

Now the sentence: Marshall kicks the ball is called an Active sentence because the subject is doing something and the object is receiving the action of the verb, The action of the verb is kicks.
This sentence is called an Active sentence. In an active sentence we can see that the subject is doing something.
Marshall kicks the ball

Subject Verb Object

A passive sentence is where the subject has something done to it.
Look at the example below.
The ball is kicked by Marshall

Subject Verb Object

When you turn an active sentence into a passive one, the subject has something done to it. In an active sentence the subject does something. The subject does something. Look at this example:

The hunter shoots the lion.

This is an active sentence where the subject, the hunter shoots the lion, the object. The hunter is doing something, and that is he shoots the lion. But if we turn the sentence into a passive sentence, we will get this sentence:

The lion is shot by the hunter.
In this sentence the subject, the lion has something done to it. We say that the lion is shot by the hunter.

How to change the Simple Past, Simple present & Present Continuous Tenses from active voice to passive voice.
In this tutorial we have three tenses we will look at and we will see how we can turn the Simple past, Simple Present and Present Continuous tense sentences from the active to the passive. Look at the table below.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Past.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken

When you change an active voice simple past sentence into a passive simple past sentence you must use was or were with the past participle:
subject + was / were (not) + past participle
For question sentences you use: was/were (not) + subject + past participle

Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Melvin accepted the letter. Active voice.
The letter was accepted by Melvin. Passive voice.
Accepted is a regular verb. If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form. Look at this example:
Andrew rode the horse. Active voice.
The horse was ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb rode is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Melvin. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple past.
1. Ian took the radio. Active voice.
The radio was taken by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody took the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits were taken. Passive voice.

3. The cat killed the mouse. Active voice.
The mouse was killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. He swam the Straits of Malacca. Active voice.
The Straits of Malacca were swum by him. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar made the kite. Active voice.
The kite was made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. The lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees were cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Present.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken

When you change an active voice simple present sentence into a passive voice simple present sentence you must use am/is/are with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + past participle
for question sentences you use: is/am/are (not) + subject + past participle
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Mrs. Harris cooks our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew rides the horse. Active voice.
The horse is ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple present.
1. Ian listens to the radio. Active voice.
The radio is listened to by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody eats the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits are eaten. Passive voice.

3. The cat kills the mice. Active voice.
The mice are killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. People speak English in Australia. Active voice.
In Australia English is spoken. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar makes kites. Active voice.
Kites are made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. Lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees are cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the present continuous.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken

When you change an active voice present continuous sentence into a passive voice present continuous sentence you must use am/is/are and being with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + being + past participle
for question sentences you use : is/are/am (not) + subject
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:

Mrs. Harris is cooking our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are being cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew is riding the horse. Active voice.
The horse is being ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.
Present continuous.
1. Rollo is not riding a horse. Active voice.
The horse is not being ridden by Rollo. Passive voice.

2. Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon are painting the house. Active voice.
The house is being painted by Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon. Passive voice.

3. The sheep dog is chasing the sheep. Active voice.
The sheep are being chased by the sheep dog. Passive voice.-

4. I am not building some new types of ships. Active voice.
Some new types of ships are not being built by me. Passive voice.

5. Someone is opening the gate. Active voice.
The gate is being opened. Passive voice.

6. Are they doing their homework? Active voice.
Is their homework being done? Passive voice.

Past participle
Present simple am is are not + cleaned, done, taken, ridden, built, injured,
Past simple was were not + seen, swum, bought, noted, written, repaired,
Present continuous am is are not + kicked, painted, driven, accepted, cooked, chopped, sawed, sighted, flown, sailed

The use of the passive voice.
The passive voice is used for two reasons:
1. The subject is unknown. Example:
Somebody cuts the grass. Active voice
The grass is cut. Passive voice.

Someone invented the television in 1920. Active voice.
The television was invented in 1920. Passive voice.

Some other examples:
• How often are the rooms cleaned?
• I am never invited to parties.
• Oranges are imported to Britain.
• Coffee isn’t grown in Britain.
• They were not given a holiday.
• Were they given a holiday?

2. The subject is unimportant.
The police arrested the criminal.
The criminal was arrested.

The repairman fixed the television. Active voice.
The television was repaired. Passive voice.

They make cheese from milk.
Milk is used to make cheese.

Some other examples:
• Plastic is made from petroleum.
• This house was built 100 years ago.
• Were these houses built 100 years ago?
• The centre is being cleaned at the moment.
• Deidre is driving to college now?
• Is Steven sleeping at the moment?

Fill in the blanks with the Present tense verbs.
1. What ________________ called in English?
2. Jane __________________ paid on the first of every month.
3. I _________________________ often sent to the Singapore office.
4. _____________ any classes taught on Wednesdays?
5. _________________ any football matches today?
6. More chocolate _______________________ eaten in the USA than in any other country.
7. We _________________ woken by birds every morning.
8. Stamps ________________ sold in most newspaper agents in Britian.
9. English _________________ spoken in Australia.
10. _____________ spoken in South Africa?
11. Our windows ________________ cleaned once a month.
12. The London parks _____________ loved by everyone.
13. Milk ________________ delivered in the mornings in Britain.
14. Vegetables ______________ sold in the market.
15. A report about the students ____________written every Friday by the class teacher.
16. He ______________ loved by everyone.
17. ____________ there a park nearby?
18. Chocolate ________________ preferred to carrots by children.

Fill in the blanks with the Past tense verbs.
1. This tower ______________ built 100 years ago.
2. That car ___________________ driven.
3. When _______________ the telephone invented?
4. We ______________________ (not) invited to the party.
5. Why ________________________ (not) Catherine made the class monitor?
6. ________________ Thomas the school head prefect last year?
7. _______________ you at class yesterday?
8. Ian _________________ (not) the child who broke the window.
9. The trees ___________________ blown down by the strong wind.
10. The postman ________________ bitten by the mad dog.
11. Those books ___________________ published in 1920.
12. My wallet ______________________ stolen.
13. I ___________________ told to wait.
14. A sports website ________________ built.
15. All the cakes _____________________ eaten.
16. The Mona Lisa __________________ painted.
17. A stationery shop _______________ opened.
18. The letter _______________ lost.

Fill in the blanks with the Present continuous verbs.
1. A new stadium _____________________________ built near the station.
2. Some new roads _______________________ (not)planned near my house.
3. Emails ____________________________ sent right now.
4. The telephone _________________________ used at the moment.
5. The students report cards ______________________ written by the teacher right now.
6. Cyril’s car __________________________ repaired right now.
7. The school ______________________ at the moment. There is the smell of paint.
8. The report cards __________________________ examined right now. Soon we will get them. Are you afraid when your report card is given to you?

9. My grandmother _______________________ examined right now for cold.
10. The aeroplane _________________________ (not) flown by Marshall.
11. The cows _________________________ herded at the farm. Soon they will be milked.
12. Jackson Raj and Titus Raj _______________________________ (not) trained by the coach for football but for tennis.
13. Pauline and Syliva ________________________ (not) interviewed for air-hostess jobs but for accountants.

14. The windows ______________________ (not) cleaned now. They will be later in the day.

15. Sylvia, Anita, Antonia, and Andrea _____________________________ given prizes for being very good students.

16. Priscilla Alfred and Marina Koshy __________________________ trained for the school’s athletics competition.

17. Letters _____________________ posted everyday.
18. New cars ____________________________ sold every week.
19. Milk ___________________________ delivered every morning.
20. Fresh fruits and vegetables __________________________ sold every morning at the market.


When we make a sentence we have a subject, a verb and an object. The subject is the person or thing that does the verb. Example:

Marshall kicks the ball.

Who kicks the ball? It is Marshall who kicks the ball, Marshall the subject of the sentence. The verb is the action he does, which is ” kick”s. What does he kick? He kicks the ball. The ball is the object. The verb and the object of a sentence are called the Predicate.

Now the sentence: Marshall kicks the ball is called an Active sentence because the subject is doing something and the object is receiving the action of the verb, The action of the verb is kicks.
This sentence is called an Active sentence. In an active sentence we can see that the subject is doing something.
Marshall kicks the ball

Subject Verb Object

A passive sentence is where the subject has something done to it.
Look at the example below.
The ball is kicked by Marshall

Subject Verb Object

When you turn an active sentence into a passive one, the subject has something done to it. In an active sentence the subject does something. The subject does something. Look at this example:

The hunter shoots the lion.

This is an active sentence where the subject, the hunter shoots the lion, the object. The hunter is doing something, and that is he shoots the lion. But if we turn the sentence into a passive sentence, we will get this sentence:

The lion is shot by the hunter.
In this sentence the subject, the lion has something done to it. We say that the lion is shot by the hunter.

How to change the Simple Past, Simple present & Present Continuous Tenses from active voice to passive voice.
In this tutorial we have three tenses we will look at and we will see how we can turn the Simple past, Simple Present and Present Continuous tense sentences from the active to the passive. Look at the table below.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Past.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken

When you change an active voice simple past sentence into a passive simple past sentence you must use was or were with the past participle:
subject + was / were (not) + past participle
For question sentences you use: was/were (not) + subject + past participle

Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Melvin accepted the letter. Active voice.
The letter was accepted by Melvin. Passive voice.
Accepted is a regular verb. If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form. Look at this example:
Andrew rode the horse. Active voice.
The horse was ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb rode is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Melvin. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple past.
1. Ian took the radio. Active voice.
The radio was taken by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody took the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits were taken. Passive voice.

3. The cat killed the mouse. Active voice.
The mouse was killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. He swam the Straits of Malacca. Active voice.
The Straits of Malacca were swum by him. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar made the kite. Active voice.
The kite was made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. The lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees were cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Present.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken

When you change an active voice simple present sentence into a passive voice simple present sentence you must use am/is/are with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + past participle
for question sentences you use: is/am/are (not) + subject + past participle
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Mrs. Harris cooks our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew rides the horse. Active voice.
The horse is ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple present.
1. Ian listens to the radio. Active voice.
The radio is listened to by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody eats the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits are eaten. Passive voice.

3. The cat kills the mice. Active voice.
The mice are killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. People speak English in Australia. Active voice.
In Australia English is spoken. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar makes kites. Active voice.
Kites are made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. Lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees are cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the present continuous.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken

When you change an active voice present continuous sentence into a passive voice present continuous sentence you must use am/is/are and being with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + being + past participle
for question sentences you use : is/are/am (not) + subject
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:

Mrs. Harris is cooking our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are being cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew is riding the horse. Active voice.
The horse is being ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.
Present continuous.
1. Rollo is not riding a horse. Active voice.
The horse is not being ridden by Rollo. Passive voice.

2. Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon are painting the house. Active voice.
The house is being painted by Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon. Passive voice.

3. The sheep dog is chasing the sheep. Active voice.
The sheep are being chased by the sheep dog. Passive voice.-

4. I am not building some new types of ships. Active voice.
Some new types of ships are not being built by me. Passive voice.

5. Someone is opening the gate. Active voice.
The gate is being opened. Passive voice.

6. Are they doing their homework? Active voice.
Is their homework being done? Passive voice.

Past participle
Present simple am is are not + cleaned, done, taken, ridden, built, injured,
Past simple was were not + seen, swum, bought, noted, written, repaired,
Present continuous am is are not + kicked, painted, driven, accepted, cooked, chopped, sawed, sighted, flown, sailed

The use of the passive voice.
The passive voice is used for two reasons:
1. The subject is unknown. Example:
Somebody cuts the grass. Active voice
The grass is cut. Passive voice.

Someone invented the television in 1920. Active voice.
The television was invented in 1920. Passive voice.

Some other examples:
• How often are the rooms cleaned?
• I am never invited to parties.
• Oranges are imported to Britain.
• Coffee isn’t grown in Britain.
• They were not given a holiday.
• Were they given a holiday?

2. The subject is unimportant.
The police arrested the criminal.
The criminal was arrested.

The repairman fixed the television. Active voice.
The television was repaired. Passive voice.

They make cheese from milk.
Milk is used to make cheese.

Some other examples:
• Plastic is made from petroleum.
• This house was built 100 years ago.
• Were these houses built 100 years ago?
• The centre is being cleaned at the moment.
• Deidre is driving to college now?
• Is Steven sleeping at the moment?

Fill in the blanks with the Present tense verbs.
1. What ________________ called in English?
2. Jane __________________ paid on the first of every month.
3. I _________________________ often sent to the Singapore office.
4. _____________ any classes taught on Wednesdays?
5. _________________ any football matches today?
6. More chocolate _______________________ eaten in the USA than in any other country.
7. We _________________ woken by birds every morning.
8. Stamps ________________ sold in most newspaper agents in Britian.
9. English _________________ spoken in Australia.
10. _____________ spoken in South Africa?
11. Our windows ________________ cleaned once a month.
12. The London parks _____________ loved by everyone.
13. Milk ________________ delivered in the mornings in Britain.
14. Vegetables ______________ sold in the market.
15. A report about the students ____________written every Friday by the class teacher.
16. He ______________ loved by everyone.
17. ____________ there a park nearby?
18. Chocolate ________________ preferred to carrots by children.

Fill in the blanks with the Past tense verbs.
1. This tower ______________ built 100 years ago.
2. That car ___________________ driven.
3. When _______________ the telephone invented?
4. We ______________________ (not) invited to the party.
5. Why ________________________ (not) Catherine made the class monitor?
6. ________________ Thomas the school head prefect last year?
7. _______________ you at class yesterday?
8. Ian _________________ (not) the child who broke the window.
9. The trees ___________________ blown down by the strong wind.
10. The postman ________________ bitten by the mad dog.
11. Those books ___________________ published in 1920.
12. My wallet ______________________ stolen.
13. I ___________________ told to wait.
14. A sports website ________________ built.
15. All the cakes _____________________ eaten.
16. The Mona Lisa __________________ painted.
17. A stationery shop _______________ opened.
18. The letter _______________ lost.

Fill in the blanks with the Present continuous verbs.
1. A new stadium _____________________________ built near the station.
2. Some new roads _______________________ (not)planned near my house.
3. Emails ____________________________ sent right now.
4. The telephone _________________________ used at the moment.
5. The students report cards ______________________ written by the teacher right now.
6. Cyril’s car __________________________ repaired right now.
7. The school ______________________ at the moment. There is the smell of paint.
8. The report cards __________________________ examined right now. Soon we will get them. Are you afraid when your report card is given to you?

9. My grandmother _______________________ examined right now for cold.
10. The aeroplane _________________________ (not) flown by Marshall.
11. The cows _________________________ herded at the farm. Soon they will be milked.
12. Jackson Raj and Titus Raj _______________________________ (not) trained by the coach for football but for tennis.
13. Pauline and Syliva ________________________ (not) interviewed for air-hostess jobs but for accountants.

14. The windows ______________________ (not) cleaned now. They will be later in the day.

15. Sylvia, Anita, Antonia, and Andrea _____________________________ given prizes for being very good students.

16. Priscilla Alfred and Marina Koshy __________________________ trained for the school’s athletics competition.

17. Letters _____________________ posted everyday.
18. New cars ____________________________ sold every week.
19. Milk ___________________________ delivered every morning.
20. Fresh fruits and vegetables __________________________ sold every morning at the market.


When we make a sentence we have a subject, a verb and an object. The subject is the person or thing that does the verb. Example:

Marshall kicks the ball.

Who kicks the ball? It is Marshall who kicks the ball, Marshall the subject of the sentence. The verb is the action he does, which is ” kick”s. What does he kick? He kicks the ball. The ball is the object. The verb and the object of a sentence are called the Predicate.

Now the sentence: Marshall kicks the ball is called an Active sentence because the subject is doing something and the object is receiving the action of the verb, The action of the verb is kicks.
This sentence is called an Active sentence. In an active sentence we can see that the subject is doing something.
Marshall kicks the ball

Subject Verb Object

A passive sentence is where the subject has something done to it.
Look at the example below.
The ball is kicked by Marshall

Subject Verb Object

When you turn an active sentence into a passive one, the subject has something done to it. In an active sentence the subject does something. The subject does something. Look at this example:

The hunter shoots the lion.

This is an active sentence where the subject, the hunter shoots the lion, the object. The hunter is doing something, and that is he shoots the lion. But if we turn the sentence into a passive sentence, we will get this sentence:

The lion is shot by the hunter.
In this sentence the subject, the lion has something done to it. We say that the lion is shot by the hunter.

How to change the Simple Past, Simple present & Present Continuous Tenses from active voice to passive voice.
In this tutorial we have three tenses we will look at and we will see how we can turn the Simple past, Simple Present and Present Continuous tense sentences from the active to the passive. Look at the table below.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Past.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple past took was taken
were taken

When you change an active voice simple past sentence into a passive simple past sentence you must use was or were with the past participle:
subject + was / were (not) + past participle
For question sentences you use: was/were (not) + subject + past participle

Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Melvin accepted the letter. Active voice.
The letter was accepted by Melvin. Passive voice.
Accepted is a regular verb. If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form. Look at this example:
Andrew rode the horse. Active voice.
The horse was ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb rode is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Melvin. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple past.
1. Ian took the radio. Active voice.
The radio was taken by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody took the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits were taken. Passive voice.

3. The cat killed the mouse. Active voice.
The mouse was killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. He swam the Straits of Malacca. Active voice.
The Straits of Malacca were swum by him. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar made the kite. Active voice.
The kite was made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. The lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees were cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the Simple Present.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Simple present take
takes am taken
is taken
are taken

When you change an active voice simple present sentence into a passive voice simple present sentence you must use am/is/are with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + past participle
for question sentences you use: is/am/are (not) + subject + past participle
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:
Mrs. Harris cooks our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew rides the horse. Active voice.
The horse is ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.

Further Examples:
Simple present.
1. Ian listens to the radio. Active voice.
The radio is listened to by Ian. Passive voice.

2. Somebody eats the fruits. Active voice.
The fruits are eaten. Passive voice.

3. The cat kills the mice. Active voice.
The mice are killed by the cat. Passive voice.

4. People speak English in Australia. Active voice.
In Australia English is spoken. Passive voice.

5. Ragnar makes kites. Active voice.
Kites are made by Ragnar. Passive voice.

6. Lumberjacks cut down the trees. Active voice.
The trees are cut down by the lumberjacks. Passive voice.
The rules for converting from the active voice to the passive voice for the present continuous.

Tense Active voice Passive voice
Present continuous am taking
is taking
are taking am being taken
is being taken
are being taken

When you change an active voice present continuous sentence into a passive voice present continuous sentence you must use am/is/are and being with the past participle;
subject + is/am/are (not) + being + past participle
for question sentences you use : is/are/am (not) + subject
Look at the irregular verb list for the past participles. If the verb is not there it is a regular verb, such as accepted will remain as accepted. Look at the example:

Mrs. Harris is cooking our meals. Active voice.
Our meals are being cooked by Mrs.Harris. Passive voice.
Cook is a regular verb and so it ends with “ed” . If the verb was an irregular verb then it will be the past particle form and it will not end with “ed”. Look at this example:
Andrew is riding the horse. Active voice.
The horse is being ridden by Andrew. Passive voice.
The verb ride is an irregular verb and so when the sentence is made into the passive it becomes the past participle form; ridden.
We use the word “by” to tell by whom the action was done. In the above example the horse was ridden by Andrew. If you don not need to say who did the action or you don’t know who did the action then you do not use “by”.
Present continuous.
1. Rollo is not riding a horse. Active voice.
The horse is not being ridden by Rollo. Passive voice.

2. Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon are painting the house. Active voice.
The house is being painted by Patrick Conway and Surendran Menon. Passive voice.

3. The sheep dog is chasing the sheep. Active voice.
The sheep are being chased by the sheep dog. Passive voice.-

4. I am not building some new types of ships. Active voice.
Some new types of ships are not being built by me. Passive voice.

5. Someone is opening the gate. Active voice.
The gate is being opened. Passive voice.

6. Are they doing their homework? Active voice.
Is their homework being done? Passive voice.

Past participle
Present simple am is are not + cleaned, done, taken, ridden, built, injured,
Past simple was were not + seen, swum, bought, noted, written, repaired,
Present continuous am is are not + kicked, painted, driven, accepted, cooked, chopped, sawed, sighted, flown, sailed

The use of the passive voice.
The passive voice is used for two reasons:
1. The subject is unknown. Example:
Somebody cuts the grass. Active voice
The grass is cut. Passive voice.

Someone invented the television in 1920. Active voice.
The television was invented in 1920. Passive voice.

Some other examples:
• How often are the rooms cleaned?
• I am never invited to parties.
• Oranges are imported to Britain.
• Coffee isn’t grown in Britain.
• They were not given a holiday.
• Were they given a holiday?

2. The subject is unimportant.
The police arrested the criminal.
The criminal was arrested.

The repairman fixed the television. Active voice.
The television was repaired. Passive voice.

They make cheese from milk.
Milk is used to make cheese.

Some other examples:
• Plastic is made from petroleum.
• This house was built 100 years ago.
• Were these houses built 100 years ago?
• The centre is being cleaned at the moment.
• Deidre is driving to college now?
• Is Steven sleeping at the moment?

Fill in the blanks with the Present tense verbs.
1. What ________________ called in English?
2. Jane __________________ paid on the first of every month.
3. I _________________________ often sent to the Singapore office.
4. _____________ any classes taught on Wednesdays?
5. _________________ any football matches today?
6. More chocolate _______________________ eaten in the USA than in any other country.
7. We _________________ woken by birds every morning.
8. Stamps ________________ sold in most newspaper agents in Britian.
9. English _________________ spoken in Australia.
10. _____________ spoken in South Africa?
11. Our windows ________________ cleaned once a month.
12. The London parks _____________ loved by everyone.
13. Milk ________________ delivered in the mornings in Britain.
14. Vegetables ______________ sold in the market.
15. A report about the students ____________written every Friday by the class teacher.
16. He ______________ loved by everyone.
17. ____________ there a park nearby?
18. Chocolate ________________ preferred to carrots by children.

Fill in the blanks with the Past tense verbs.
1. This tower ______________ built 100 years ago.
2. That car ___________________ driven.
3. When _______________ the telephone invented?
4. We ______________________ (not) invited to the party.
5. Why ________________________ (not) Catherine made the class monitor?
6. ________________ Thomas the school head prefect last year?
7. _______________ you at class yesterday?
8. Ian _________________ (not) the child who broke the window.
9. The trees ___________________ blown down by the strong wind.
10. The postman ________________ bitten by the mad dog.
11. Those books ___________________ published in 1920.
12. My wallet ______________________ stolen.
13. I ___________________ told to wait.
14. A sports website ________________ built.
15. All the cakes _____________________ eaten.
16. The Mona Lisa __________________ painted.
17. A stationery shop _______________ opened.
18. The letter _______________ lost.

Fill in the blanks with the Present continuous verbs.
1. A new stadium _____________________________ built near the station.
2. Some new roads _______________________ (not)planned near my house.
3. Emails ____________________________ sent right now.
4. The telephone _________________________ used at the moment.
5. The students report cards ______________________ written by the teacher right now.
6. Cyril’s car __________________________ repaired right now.
7. The school ______________________ at the moment. There is the smell of paint.
8. The report cards __________________________ examined right now. Soon we will get them. Are you afraid when your report card is given to you?

9. My grandmother _______________________ examined right now for cold.
10. The aeroplane _________________________ (not) flown by Marshall.
11. The cows _________________________ herded at the farm. Soon they will be milked.
12. Jackson Raj and Titus Raj _______________________________ (not) trained by the coach for football but for tennis.
13. Pauline and Syliva ________________________ (not) interviewed for air-hostess jobs but for accountants.

14. The windows ______________________ (not) cleaned now. They will be later in the day.

15. Sylvia, Anita, Antonia, and Andrea _____________________________ given prizes for being very good students.

16. Priscilla Alfred and Marina Koshy __________________________ trained for the school’s athletics competition.

17. Letters _____________________ posted everyday.
18. New cars ____________________________ sold every week.
19. Milk ___________________________ delivered every morning.
20. Fresh fruits and vegetables __________________________ sold every morning at the market.

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