Thursday 18 July 2019

Adverbs of Frequency.

Some adverbs tell you how often something happens: Always / sometimes / never / usually
These usually go before the main verb.

• We never eat breakfast.
• He usually walks to work.
They come after the verb 'be'.
• He is always early.
• She is often hungry.

If there is an auxiliary verb, they come after it.

• She is always losing her keys.
'Sometimes' and 'usually' can also come at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
• Sometimes he is early.
• He is early usually.
'Never' and 'always' don’t come at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
• He is never early. (NOT: Never he is early.)
• He is always early. (NOT: He is early always.)

We also use longer phrases like ‘once a week’ to say how often something happens.

• Once a day / week / month / year
• Twice a day / week / month / year
• Three times a day / week / month / year
• A few times a day / week / month / year
• Every day / week / month / year / morning / afternoon / evening / night
These phrases usually go at the end of the sentence.
• I play the piano every day.
• He calls his mother once a week.
• She goes to the dentist twice a year.

Let's review! Put the adverb in the correct place.

1. always: He brushes his teeth before work.

2. every day: William does his homework.

3. a few times a year: I meet Julia.

4. never: She is angry.

5. once a week: I am in the office.

6. sometimes: We go for a walk in the evening.

7. twice a month: She sees her mother.

8. usually: I have coffee and eggs for breakfast.

9. always: He has been very kind to us.

10. never: They are late.

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