Monday 16 December 2019

Design Thinking: A Paradigm of Creativity and Innovation.

Design thinking is an innovative design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to problem solving. It is a methodology that is well-suited to solving ill-defined and unknown complex problems. It seeks solutions by understanding human needs. It reframes problems in human-centred ways, by creating ideas through brainstorming sessions, by adapting a hands-on approach in prototyping and testing. Design thinking is anchored to a skill set consisting of five stages or phases: empathize define, ideate, prototype and test. 

There is nothing new to the approach as it has been in existence for a long time. However, it has recently seen an uptake. It is a process that is fast gaining ground.

Design thinking is a five stage or phase iterative approach. Each stage or phase forms parts of the process of solution development.

1. Empathize: Understanding by empathizing in order to help define the problem. This done in order to gain an empathetic understanding of the problem. The phase involves consulting subject matter or problem area experts about the problem area. It is done with observing, engaging and empathizing with people in order to understand their experiences and motivations. Also, the solution designer immerses himself or herself in the physical environment so as to gain a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. Empathy is a crucial part of a human-centred design process. It is what allows solution designers to set aside their assumptions about the world and gain insight into the users and their needs. Contingent to constraints of time, as much information is gathered at this phase so that it can be used during the next stage, and to develop the deepest and best possible understanding of the users, their needs, and the underlying problems of the development of a solution or a product.

2. Define: The define stage is where the information obtained in the empathize stage is put together. The observations from the first stage/phase are analysed and synthesized in order for the core problems to be defined. Problems are defined as a problem statement in a human-centred manner. Suppose an automobile manufacture wants to " increase the sale of economy sedan by 15% over the next three years", the problem can be defined in a human-centered manner as "Economy sedans are much more economical to own and maintain". The define stage allows for effective ideas to establish features, functions, ad any other elements that will allow solution designers to solve the problem or if not permit the users to resolve issues themselves with minimum difficulty. 

3. Ideate: At the ideate stage, solution designers are ready to start idea generation. The solution designers have grown to understand the users and their requirements in the Empathize phase. The end-users needs have been analyzed and synthesized from the observations made at the Define Stage and would have evolved a human-centered problem statement. When these have been completed thus begins ideation. Ideation is simply "thinking out of the box" in order to find or identify new solutions to the problem statement. Ideation is conducted using myriad ideation techniques such as; Brainstorming, Brainwrite, Worst Possible Idea, and SCAMPER. Ideation must generate as many ideas or solutions as possible from the onset of the phase. 

4. Prototype: At  the prototype stage many versions of a solution or scaled down versions of a solution are or a product are produced. Prototypes are shared and tested among team members or with people outside the team. This is to investigate and analyse the problem solutions generated in the previous stage. The prototype phase is an experimental phase in which the best solution is derived. The solutions produced at this phase are implemented one by one , they are investigated and either are accepted, rejected, modified or improved all based in the users experience. By the end of this stage the solution developers will have a better idea and understanding of the constraints inherent to the solution or product and the problems that are present, and have a clearer picture of how real users would behave, think, and feel when interacting with the end product.

5. Test: This is the final phase in the of the five phase model. However, it is an iterative process and the design thinking is a non-linear approach to design. It is an iterative process where at various phases results generated during the testing phase are often used to refine one or more of the problems and inform the understanding of the user, the conditions of use, how people think, behave, and feel and to empathize. The test phase  sees the rigorous testing of the complete product or solution using the best solutions identified in the during the prototyping phase. This stage can still see modifications, alterations and refinements to products and solutions and derive as deep an understanding of the product and its user as much as possible.  


In conclusion, design thinking is a human-centred and collaborative approach to designing  solutions or products. It is amind-set that empathises. It is about learning , experimenting, with permission to fail and retry. It allows for the evolution of new ideas and is highly creative and innovative. It asks for feedback and is iterative. It is non-linear. It stimulates creative confidence and is defiant of failure. It is optimistic in the processes it employs.  


5 Stages in the Design Thinking
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