Monday 8 August 2022

Triumph from Failure

Not everyone has the same journey 

Life doesn't treat everyone the same

Your fate is always in your hands

Trust yourself more than anyone else

To love yourself has a deep meaning 

Life's garden has a rhythm

Disaster and Triumph

Failure and Success

It goes in that way blind as a bat

Brickbats and Bouquets line your way

Failure is the longer road to Triumph

Every one of them has made you who you are in the present

How you perceive it heralds your future

Friday 5 August 2022

What makes me Smile?

What makes me smile?

An interesting question to ask

I smile when I see the morning sky

With birds singing, the sun rising, it's a new day

What makes me smile?

I smile in good times and bad

One must accept the existence of both in life

They are unavoidable facts

What makes me smile?

When I see the innocent laughter of a children

Fresh and new

Each they discover something new

What makes me smile?

I smile because I am alive

I have another day to do something 

It is my legacy I will leave behind 

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Solitude, Silence and the Soul

Silence is Golden

Solitude is Silence

Solitude is to be Alone

Adrift in the calm Ocean of Thought

Awash in the warm Waves of Contemplation

Silence is Golden

It makes the heart sing

Solitude is to be Alone

In the Ocean of Deep, Deep Silence

Thoughts come in a row, one after the other

Dwarflings of Gold

Bearing the products of deep thought

Silence is Golden

Jewels of Thought

I bear it alone

In the deep recesses of my mind

Darkness, emptiness filling with thought

The waves of the Oceans of my mind are silent

A paradox unlike the ones at the shores

Like a drug-infused purple haze

In the midst of a crowd, I can still be alone

I lose my mind in the groovy funk of the purple-haze 

Thoughts then bear fruit

The progeny from the heatwave of silence and solitude

As they fuse and explode

Hence , their progeny born

Life, Defeat and Victory

Life brings joy

Life brings grief

Life brings victory

Life brings defeat

Life makes us realize what we miss

Life brings mystery

Life is brief

Not all of us see success early

Some of us face defeat all too quickly

Like someone adrift at sea

No lifeboat in sight 

No relief from grief

But when salvation comes 

An opportunity too can come

Should we not seize the lifeboat of relief?

No matter what others think

It is what we think

They can say what they want

But often it is because of their doom they can see

They scream they shout, they insult

But who cares a dam about them

Only the blind  does not see what he or she has got

Fight on, rock on to Valhalla's sacred halls

Victory comes from struggle 

Victory is sweeter if it is the progeny of defeat

Move forward when the chance comes

Success is your birthright

F*ck the naysayers

See their faults 

Tell them to f*ck off!

Rejoice, rejoice, victory blows its trumpets

Multicolored streamers, rainbow colors, red angels, and pink unicorns

We will ride on golden-winged  horses of victory  

On golden steeds of victory

Across the technicolored highway of the Bifrost

To the hall of the valorous

To taste then the raw sweetness of success

The Apocalyse

  It has now come to this The Apocalypse has arrived Loneliness, despair, a toxic brew A devilish concoction  It has poisoned my mind Hopele...