Tuesday 25 June 2019

What is Creative Thinking?

What is Creative Thinking? We can answer this question by starting with defining Creativity. Creativity can be defined as: the process of being creative. A series of actions which create new ideas, thoughts and physical objects (http://www.brainstorming.co.uk/tutorials/definitions.html#creativity).
Thinking can be defined as the process of thought. To consider, judge or believe. The process of exercising the mind in order to make a decision. To remember or recollect. To make the mental choice between options (http://www.brainstorming.co.uk/tutorials/definitions.html#thinking).
Therefore, Creative Thinking can be defined as specific thought processes which improve the ability to be creative. It is being in an optimal state of mind for generating new ideas. To think deliberately in ways that improve the likelihood of new thoughts occurring. To maximize the ability of the brain to think of new ideas. The ability to think of original, diverse and elaborate ideas. A series of mental actions which produce changes and developments of thought. The process of exploring multiple avenues of actions or thoughts (http://www.brainstorming.co.uk/tutorials/definitions.html#creative%20thinking).
The definition of creativity can be seen in three ways:as an ability,  as an attitude andy as a process.

        Firstly, creativity can be seen as an ability. Creativity, as a simple definition, can be seen as having the ability to envisage, imagine or invent something new. It is the ability to create something new whether it is a product, an object, an idea or a concept by combining, changing, reshaping or remolding or reapplying existing ideas to create new ones.

        Secondly, creativity can be seen as an attitude. Creativity as an attitude is where there is the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness or daringness to play around with new ideas and concepts and accept new possibilities. It is a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good while looking for ways to enhance or improve it. We are conditioned or socialized into accepting that we have only a limited number of choices of doing something or enjoying or being able to do something. Creative people see or explore new ways of finding new possibilities.

       Lastly, creativity can be seen as a process. When creativity is seen as a process, it is a sequence of actions that seek to improve ideas and solutions. Creativity is rarely a stroke of genius with some new idea or object created in a short span of time. Often creativity is a long drawn out process creativity of creating something b improving on it.

        In conclusion, creative thinking is being in an optimal state of mind to be able to create something new or improve on an existing idea or object. It is the attitude to challenge existing paradigm of thinking, seeing things in new ways, paly around with ideas and accept new possibilities or realities. It is also a process of continuous development and improvement and seeking of solution to problems.

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