Friday 2 August 2019

The Inventor - Paragraph writing.

The inventor is an imaginative and creative person. As well as that, the inventor is a person of great foresight and ambition. The inventor must be able to see what it that people want and then goes ahead and invent. The inventor should have great business acumen and be skilled in technical matters. The inventor must also be charming, smart and charismatic because he needs to be because he has to be able to persuade people to fund him and accept his inventions to be manufactured and sold. The inventor must be a perseverant person like Thomas Edison who persevered countless times until he invented the electric light bulb. The inventor can be like Leonardo Da Vinci who was not only an inventor but a mathematician, engineer, artist and astronomer. He designed things like the helicopter and tank well before their adevnt in the 20th century.The inventor has existed since man came into existence. The inventor can be nameless and faceless. Who is the inventor of the wheel?, the simplest machine which can now be found as a component of so many types of machines? The car, train and aircraft have wheels in which the wheel is a component. The cog is a component of machines such as laser printers and turbines and it is also a wheel. The humble lever which man in ancient times used to lift blocks of stone was made from wood and these days it is made from metal and is still used, unnoticed, among fantastic inventions like computers and radars. We can ask a question here; which inventor shall we applaud for inventing something; the nameless and faceless inventors who came a long time ago or the ones who in recent times have their names and faces become well known to all? Regardless of those; what will our world be like if there were not any such clever and inventive people? The inventor is worthy of praise. The inventor has made our daily lives so much easier. As long as mankind needs something to use there will be an inventor.

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