Monday 30 January 2023

Enter the Dragon

 Enter the Dragon ~ A Poem

The Dragon is mystical in symbology

It is the force of nature

God's fiery ferocious child

Enter the Dragon

Beastly creature of fire and fury

Majestically seated on its throne

Oh, Mighty Dragon seated on your throne

All that you survey, you can burn with your fiery breath

Seated in your lofty heights, you gleam a metallic sheen

Snarling, growling, and sneering, you await, abated breath

You are a force of nature

The earth's fiery child

The Tree of Thought

 The Tree of Thought ~ A Poem about Divergence of Thought

A thought is always issued in one way

It is a singularity, only one idea per thought

Like a tree when it is born as a sapling

It is only the trunk that is born

Thought in verisimilitude is born similarly

But as a sapling grows it's  branches appear

A singularity becomes a divergence of thoughts

Then as the tree grows more branches appear 

More divergent thoughts are born

They are the progeny of more divergence

Divergence leads to confusion

Divergence leads to conflict

Conflict leads to violence, chauvinism & sorrow

What is right and wrong is the question 

The questions lead to more confusion

The tree grows old and the parasites come

The tree decays and it dies 

But before this a sapling is born

A new thought, lets see it grow 

Saturday 28 January 2023

The whole world is watching you ~ A Poem

 The whole world is watching you ~ A Poem

Do you think we are fools

Playthings and mere tools

Critical thinking, free information, even gossips

Can reverse what you do

Manipulate us against each other

Make us hate our brother and sister

Divide reality into theology and ideology

Dogma and polity

All contrived to enrich you

Create systems that feed the rich and bury the poor

An international global elite

Transferring money at the click of a button

National leaders even Hitler

Playthings and fools made use of by you

The day will come when karma and death finds you

Nature suffers when you mine it

The oceans and seas filled with filth

Wars, famines, diseases and plagues

World war 3 being your greatest folly

God watches you and so do we

We will die because of you

There is no such thing as a chosen race

Crooked nosed evil devils are you

Like a lotus flower ~ A Poem about Purity

 Like a lotus flower ~ A Poem about Purity

Proud you stand 

In the quagmire of filth

Fragrant you are

Attracting far and wide

Despite the filth in which you live

Pure you are without blemish

Oh lotus flower

Exemplar of purity

Astral Bridge ~ A Poem

 Astral Bridge ~ A Poem

I cross the astral bridge in the night

It links my past to my future

Each step I take that is my present

The world is a dark place

Only the moon and the stars are the light

I am a traveler in the dark

Star studded night, I am alone in the dark

What lies across the bridge is my future, a mystery

What steps I take is the present reality

What I leave behind is history

Swan~ A Poem

 Swan~ A Poem

Delicate and snow white

Graceful and elegant

You pick only clean food

Flesh and yuck, you eschew

A jewel whose soul is star bright

God's perfect creation

Gentle are your movements

Delightful is your melodious song

Artistic is your dance

Flying high, you are majesty

Cosmic Mariners ~ A Poem

 Cosmic Mariners ~  A Poem

Sailing like in the olden times

Bravely facing new elements

Mysterious and unknown

Brave mariners, you adventure forth

Stout hearts and keen minds

Sailing through the cosmos

Never flinching from danger's scary face

Curious to find, inquisitive to learn

Great minds are those who adventure forth

What you seek, may you find

Far reaching never ending cosmos

Dark and deep, flickering lights of stars

Galaxies of all shapes and sizes 

Meteors and comets scream helter skelter

Brave mariners of stout hearts, adventurous souls

I am a Soul ~ A Poem about I the Soul

 I am a Soul ~ A Poem about I the Soul

I am a Soul

Powerful and strong

Unswerving in my remembrance

Of the spirit that I am

I am not the body I dwell in

I am not of any race, nationality or creed

Just a sparkling jewel in the centre of this forehead

I can transmit my vibrations all around

Cosmic dust, dark matter, the universe

I am beyond all that you see

Unless you use that hidden eye

Never can you perceive me

I am a  time traveler changing bodies

I have seen much, known much and done much

Mystical eye ~ A Poem to God.

 Mystical eye ~ A Poem to God

Oh All father, Oh All mother

All seeing omniscient eye

Watch my efforts to become holy

Watch my efforts to become pure

Without holiness there is no Godliness

Without purity there is no peace nor happiness

Hail to thee, God of Gods

Hail to thee, Shaman of Shamans

Hail to thee, God most holy

Hail to thee, God most mighty

Oh All father, All mother

Hail to thee, wizard of wizards

Hail to thee, magician of magicians

We are souls, travelers in time

You see from your faraway abode

The very home your children came from

You are the Druid of Druids

The Mystical Grove ~ A Poem.

 The Mystical Grove ~ A Poem.

Into the dark I walk

In deep meditation I stalk

Through the mystical Grove

The moon, the stars and the milky way

Above me they watch my steps

Sullen silence punctuated by my footsteps

Owls hoot and bats fly

In meditation this is the walk

The walk I take each dark shrouded night

In contemplation, my deepest thoughts

Of the course of my life 

Each jewel of thought

Like a salve that sooths the pain

Like a sweet that makes a smile

Through the mystical Grove I stalk

Time Travellers ~ A Poem

 A poem.

We are time travelers

Walking through one life to another

What we saw, experienced and lived

In the deep recesses of our minds

In secret, those memories lie

Like a stealthy cat who keeps those secrets

Watching us, seeing what we do

Who were we, what did we do 

In ages eons before

One life impacts the other

Reverberating in age after age

An endless cascade of actions and consequences

The All Seeing Eye ~ A Poem

 A Poem ~ The All Seeing Eye.

I watch in silence to all that happens

In silence, I see you

In silence, I watch you

In deep thought, I contemplate about you

I am the all seeing eye of your mind

In silence I sit and I reflect

In silence, I am in deep thought

In a misty shroud, I speak to you

What is it you seek? 

What is you want?

Is it good or not?

I am your third eye of wisdom

I sit behind your forehead

Do not eshew me

Do so at your peril

Mother ~ A poem.

 Mother ~ A poem.

Mummy, you brought me into this world

Your love and blessings for me will last

Well after you are gone, it will be

Only God can take your place as my mom

You are the tree I sheltered under

Only God who is also my mother is the other tree

I will always love you mummy

I want to be your son again in another birth

In the sacred grove ~ Poem.

 In the sacred grove ~  Poem.

There is a sacred space in my mind

It is a dark tree enveloped grove

Its leaves sparkle like fairy lights

Showing me to the path to the sacred sanctum

I am alone , introverted

I link my intellect, the faculty of deliberation

To my Lord, God most Holy

He comes to sit in front of me

From the distant abode where I was born

Bright golden red light envelopes

Like a mystical mist, warm and comforting

I commune with the special one 

In this sacred space, in the sacred grove

The Universe is in my Hands ~ A Poem about the power of the universe.

The Universe is in my Hands ~ A Poem about the power of the universe.

In my mind I connect to you

Oh awesome power of the universe

You and I are one

You are my friend, my companion

A symbiotic relationship, incomprehensible

No intellectualization

Just connection

Awesome, simply awesome

The swirling never ending mass

Gas, rocks, stars, dark matter, comets

A titanic force beyond comprehension

Don't bother to understand, just realize and accept

Feel it, feel it and thrive

Coursing through my being

From me the soul into my brain

Through my body, released to the outside

Power, power beyond comprehension

In my hands, from I the soul

The universe is in my hands

Mind portal ~ A Poem about imagination and perception.

 Mind portal ~ A Poem about imagination and perception. 

In my all seeing third eye

Creation takes place

In my all seeing third eye

Destruction takes place

The seat of wisdom

The mighty throne where I sit

Anything I want is my creation

I am what I believe I am

Crazy as it may seem

I don't care about what others believe

In the end it is what I profoundly believe

If I listen to what others dictate to me

I might as well go for a swim with a crocodile 

My connection is to the supreme soul

This is my elation as a humble soul

I can create anything I want

Even this tapestry of words

Linked from my beating heart

Pumped from my throbbing brain

Knited all from my third eye

It is not what others create

It is what I create

That is me.

Friday 23 September 2022

Success is sometimes the Progeny of Failure

In life, success is often measured by those who have succeeded by gaining wealth, fame, renown, health, and property. If they have struggled to have achieved such things, people see them as heroes of life and are adulated, emulated, and adored.

However, a blind eye is given to those who have failed, sometimes late in life and sometimes early in life, and struggle to succeed. They are often scorned, looked down upon, or not seen. Do you know about the heartache of such people? Do you offer them support? Do you even know they exist?

Success, my dear friends is sometimes the progeny of failure. There are those who have failed early in their lives by not doing well in their studies, not seizing opportunities when they arrive or are the victims of illness. But do you know that such people when they become wiser will grasp at any opportunity to succeed? These are people who will search and scour the landscape for any opportunity to do something great for themselves. They are fully cognizant of the bitter salty taste of failure. Unlike those who have never failed, they know the price of failure. That is why those who have always succeeded cry bitterly when they reach the apogee of success and Wham! they meet their downfall.

These people can be very ambitious and will work hard and wisely to get somewhere in life. Shouldn’t we give them support and praise? Mind you, failure can come at any time in life. The proud ones see their success and hard work without realizing that failure can hit them like a charging train. There should be an acknowledgment of their ambitiousness and hard work. It is from abject sorrowful failure that they gain success. I tell you never look down on those who fail. You might not know the incredible stuff they are made of. once a chance comes, they grasp it like an eagle grasps its prey in its strong sharp deadly talons…and they will soar as high as they can get. These people will refrain from talking about themselves, they are as quiet as church mice and are humble. Why are they humble? It is because they tread the stony thorny dusty path of life.

So, my friends, if you have succeeded in life regardless of hardship and sacrifice, do not look down on those who fail, but rather be a friend and a support for them. You will learn the great lessons of humility, opportunism, and ambition from such people.

Monday 8 August 2022

Triumph from Failure

Not everyone has the same journey 

Life doesn't treat everyone the same

Your fate is always in your hands

Trust yourself more than anyone else

To love yourself has a deep meaning 

Life's garden has a rhythm

Disaster and Triumph

Failure and Success

It goes in that way blind as a bat

Brickbats and Bouquets line your way

Failure is the longer road to Triumph

Every one of them has made you who you are in the present

How you perceive it heralds your future

Friday 5 August 2022

What makes me Smile?

What makes me smile?

An interesting question to ask

I smile when I see the morning sky

With birds singing, the sun rising, it's a new day

What makes me smile?

I smile in good times and bad

One must accept the existence of both in life

They are unavoidable facts

What makes me smile?

When I see the innocent laughter of a children

Fresh and new

Each they discover something new

What makes me smile?

I smile because I am alive

I have another day to do something 

It is my legacy I will leave behind 

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Solitude, Silence and the Soul

Silence is Golden

Solitude is Silence

Solitude is to be Alone

Adrift in the calm Ocean of Thought

Awash in the warm Waves of Contemplation

Silence is Golden

It makes the heart sing

Solitude is to be Alone

In the Ocean of Deep, Deep Silence

Thoughts come in a row, one after the other

Dwarflings of Gold

Bearing the products of deep thought

Silence is Golden

Jewels of Thought

I bear it alone

In the deep recesses of my mind

Darkness, emptiness filling with thought

The waves of the Oceans of my mind are silent

A paradox unlike the ones at the shores

Like a drug-infused purple haze

In the midst of a crowd, I can still be alone

I lose my mind in the groovy funk of the purple-haze 

Thoughts then bear fruit

The progeny from the heatwave of silence and solitude

As they fuse and explode

Hence , their progeny born

The Apocalyse

  It has now come to this The Apocalypse has arrived Loneliness, despair, a toxic brew A devilish concoction  It has poisoned my mind Hopele...